Saturday, December 10, 2011

A good day, all around.

This morning, Andy, Matthew, and I woke up with a somewhat lazy Saturday in mind. Lazy day of playing trains, Transformers, a load or two of laundry, and baking homemade goodness for Matthew and I. And Andy? He had plans to attend a toy drive at a local comic book store. Local sketch card and comic book artists are donating their time during the toy drive. Donate a toy to benefit the Children's Cancer Network- and receive a free sketch from one of the artists.

Fast forward to Andy getting ready to walk out the door. Matthew is begging to go with him. Neither consoled nor convinced staying home with Mommy would be fun, Matthew insists he is going with Daddy. What can ya say?  The boy loves his Daddy. Remedy: Lightning McQueen backpack filled with juice boxes, crayons, coloring books, and animal cookies.  Matthew is going to spend the morning with Daddy at the comic book store's toy drive.

And my day? My day began with 6 cups of Beech-Nut brand apple-blueberry baby food. Matthew's daycare class needed 12 baby food jars for a Christmas project they're making. I volunteered to bring the jars knowing I could find a recipe to use the apple-blueberry baby food.

Chocolate Chip and Walnut
Covered Apple-Blueberry Cake
So here is my first batch. It is beautiful and delicious (just ask Andy who sampled it on his way out the door). I'm doing my best to stay away from sweet treats so I had just a small taste. This was quite possibly the moistest cake I've ever made or eaten. (And I've eaten a lot of cake.)

Square Muffins!
Second batch, naturally I had to try making them in the square muffin pan. They were a challenge to get out of the pan because they couldn't be turned over without losing all their chocolate-y goodness on top so one by one they were unloaded with care. Square and beautiful.

Chocolate Chip and Walnut Covered
Apple Blueberry Cake

I liked the look of the muffins, but wanted the cake instead of muffins. The cake from the first batch was beautiful with one exception: I don't like serving baked goodness in the baking pan. Remedy: Phone Mom and ask to borrow a spring form pan. Here is batch three and the remainder of the apple-blueberry baby food. 

Hopefully, this afternoon after Matthew's nap, we'll be headed to one of my student's baseball game. A good day, all around.

Merry Christmas!